
Thief 1981 quotes
Thief 1981 quotes

  1. #Thief 1981 quotes movie
  2. #Thief 1981 quotes series

Self Imposed Challenges, such as completing objectives in as short time as possible or completely avoiding detection and confrontation, are popular among the more devoted fans.

#Thief 1981 quotes series

The series is especially notable for the relatively free exploration allowed within the boundaries of each scenario and the many ways the player can approach the given objectives. Each game consists of a series of missions that begin with little or no connection to each other but eventually become part of an over-arching plotline concerning Garrett saving the world from a great evil. I want Frank's coat.Originally developed by Looking Glass Studios, Thief is a series of first-person stealth action games starring an anti-hero named Garrett as he goes about stealing stuff in an ancient, noirish and unnamed note Only known as "The City" medieval-esque/ steampunk city.

#Thief 1981 quotes movie

Also probably the best metallurgical movie ever. And everybody just nodded to each other on the way out. When I saw it opening night the theater was filled with every crook and detective on the north side with their wives. The phone book and trash can - time honored tools of the early 80's. Notice when they are snuggling on the outdoor patio - it had a two-sided fireplace - indoor and outdoor. Man that was a gorgeous house in my old neighborhood and yes they blew it up. Yuch! You know - Tuesday Weld actually even ACTS a little in this movie, amazing. Yup, the creme was ALWAYS cottage cheese at the old Oasis restuarants. Take a drive up north on Western Avenue to check out all the used car lots - still there. Watch for the High Standard 12 guage stakeout special at the end - very rare. 45 looks like a Bomar Svenson custom combat, tremendous. But if you are in Chicago, stop in early at the Green Mill and you might be able to have a drink in that big, round wood booth - still there. Man, I miss the Corned Beefs at the Belden Deli on Clark where Frank hands the stones to Gags. You won't see that scene anymore, either. How do the boys and their gear get up on the roof of the bank building? Rocket assisted grappling hook mortars firing mountain lines and Jumar ascenders from the parking lot. Guess the crime commission didn't dig that, 'cause that 5 seconds is history in every cut I've seen since. Frank snaps chalk lines off traces of blueprints onto the safe face in the opening heist. They remain cut in every version I've seen since. Went back the next weekend and scenes were cut. c) When Frank shoots Carl, he falls back (in three cuts) into the bushes. b) When Frank is shot by Carl (Dennis Farina), and you can see the window break on the car and Frank falls to the ground - all this has been sped up. a) When Frank shoots Attaglia, the body appears to hit the ground faster. Confrontation Shootout - Mann used a video post-production technique to speed up several shots/frames during the final shootout. This is only very slight and probably only noticeable if you watch both side by side. Screen appears to blow-out to white in the Director's Edition that looks different. House Exploding - when comparing the Theatrical and Director's Edition, there seems to be better clarity in the explosion. Then Mann just slows down the images of the waves (to make up for the time lost) before the camera pans up to Frank. b) In the Special Director's Edition - Mann cuts a few seconds from Caan's victory nod - then cuts to the Beach Scene *before* the music cue change. Perfect match of Tangerine Dream's music and visual cut. a) In the theatrical cut, we clearly see Caan light up the cigarette, then he nods his head a few times - then on the music beat change - cut to the Beach Scene. In order to make up for the lost seconds, Mann make two editorial choices that end up hurting the original music/visual flow of the film. The whole shot is only about 7 seconds long - but it is nowhere to be found in the "Special Director's Edition". First she is smiling, then looks over at Frank with a sort of melancholy expression. Beach Scene - Mann removed a slow-motion shot of Tuesday Weld walking with the baby. A slow dissolve has been added that transitions to this new scene (normally the film cuts directly to Frank at the car lot) 2. Scene takes place directly after Caan's car drives away from the opening heist. There is a new scene with Wille Dixon on the bank on the Chicago river. Differences between this version and the theatrical version are as follows: 1. For 16 years, this was the only home video release of the film in the US until Criterion's 2014 edition. In 1995, Thief was released in a new LaserDisc set billed as the 'Special Director's Edition', which was carried over to the film's 1998 DVD release.

Thief 1981 quotes